
Solicitud de propuestas

Woman looking at paperwork on a desk.


Cuando se trata de hacer proyectos con nosotros, no solo buscamos empresas que puedan hacer el trabajo. Buscamos socios. Socios expertos en sus áreas. Socios que se enorgullecen de su trabajo. Socios que trabajan de manera eficiente, efectiva y respetuosa. ¿Tu empresa cumple con estos requisitos?

APS issues 2024 All-Source Request for Proposals (RFP)

APS is conducting an All-Source RFP and is seeking approximately 2,000 MWs of resources to meet the growing power needs of its residential and business customers with affordable, reliable, and clean electricity.

This RFP is open to all technologies, including supply side (front of the meter) and non-supply side (behind the meter) resources. APS requests projects that can reach commercial operation beginning June 1, 2028 through June 1, 2030, but will consider projects that may achieve commercial operation as early as 2026. Additionally, APS is interested in projects that require longer planning, permitting, and construction and can be commercially operational after June 1, 2030.

APS will use the PowerAdvocate platform to support the administration and evaluation of the RFP responses. The RFP is available to any entity that registers in PowerAdvocate, using the following link:

PowerAdvocate Registration

Registration requires a PowerAdvocate account, which can be created using the same link. In addition, all RFP instructions, associated documents, instructions, and Q&A will also be available through the PowerAdvocate platform.

Anyone experiencing difficulty accessing PowerAdvocate (including requiring a login or password reset) should contact the PowerAdvocate Technical Helpdesk at 857-453-5800 or support@poweradvocate.com. You can also view the full RFP by clicking here:

APS 2024 All-Source RFP

The RFP process will be monitored and reviewed by a third-party independent monitor, in accordance with Arizona Administrative Code §14-2-705.

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Nuestra historia es la historia de Arizona. Estamos orgullosos de ser una fuerza impulsora en la economía de nuestro estado y un socio sólido para las empresas de Arizona. Estamos comprometidos con el logro de una cadena de suministro segura, sostenible y diversa.
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