
North Peoria 69kV

Father and his daughter cooking a turkey.

Voltage - 69kV
Estimated completion date - Phase 1 - 2021
Location - North Peoria

Project planning
In early 2018, APS hired Environmental Planning Group (EPG) to assist in evaluating substation sites and route alternatives, to assess potential environmental impacts, and to support the public outreach process. Baseline information about existing and planned land use, visual, biological, and recreational resources for the area were collected and analyzed early in the process. 

When the alternatives were developed, APS evaluated many criteria, including: environmental impacts, engineering and construction feasibility, land acquisition timing and costs, regulatory approvals, potential impacts to existing and planned neighborhoods, and input from agencies and the public.

Briefings were held with various stakeholders throughout the process, including local developers, and representatives and officials from state and federal agencies and the City of Peoria, to inform them of the proposed project, followed by two rounds of newsletter mailings and public open houses. At each open house, the public was able to learn about the project need as well as how the siting process is carried out, and had the opportunity to provide their input on possible line routes and substation locations. We have received hundreds of comments concerning the project through the open houses, the project website, mail, email, and by telephone.

Using the siting criteria mentioned above, including the public input, potential power line routes were developed and evaluated. All comments, input, and data gathered to date has been logged and the results were used to identify the Selected Routes (see map below). City officials have been briefed on the status of the project and informed about the Selected Routes.

The new segments of the 69kV power lines will be built on steel poles, capable of a double 69kV circuit configuration (each circuit consists of 3 wires). It is anticipated that the new poles would be approximately 65 feet in height. The line segments would require a right-of-way or easement approximately 40 to 60 feet in width to construct, operate, and maintain the facilities. Each 69/12kV substation is expected to be built within a 3- to 5-acre site, and the 230/69kV substation (TS14) will require approximately 15 to 20 acres.

Final substation site and line route for phase 1
APS has identified Substation Site No. 2 and the “North” route alignment, as presented at the November open houses, as final facility locations for Phase 1. The new power line will begin at the existing 69kV power line located on the west side of Highway 303, near the Central AZ Project (CAP) canal. The power line will proceed westerly, parallel the CAP canal right of way, and cross over the [CAP aqueduct] mountain to a point near the base of the mountain where it will then cross over the CAP canal to the south and into the new substation (see map below). Access roads will be necessary for construction and maintenance of these lines, and reasonable efforts will be made to mitigate visual impacts to the nearby residents. With the final route selected, APS will begin to acquire land rights, complete design, and obtain permits for construction of Phase 1. We anticipate construction of the substation and power line to begin early-to-mid 2020, and the project is planned to be complete and energized by mid-to-late 2021.

Siting Map Phase 1

Final substation sites and line routes for phase 2
APS has identified the power line routes and substation sites shown for Phase 2, per the attached map. Most routes will parallel roadways of future developments, based on current land-use plats. Route option 4 (shown on previous maps) was proposed to run parallel with the CAP canal near the current and future Vistancia developments, but has been removed from the final routes. As a result, the line connection between substation sites W04 and W05 will be necessary, and largely follow future road alignments as shown on current city plans. Phase 2 of the Project has an identified need of 5-10 (or more) years out, depending on the timing of the future regional developments, but identifies conceptual Phase 2 alignments/locations now to allow for the integration of this information into pertinent agency or private development plans. This includes two 69kV substations (W04 and W05) and one 230kV substation (TS14). Although the final substation size will be much smaller than the Phase 2 Substation Siting Areas, as currently identified on the map, these large areas (ranging in size from approximately 50 acres to 130 acres) allow for some flexibility in integrating a substation site into future development plans. APS recognizes that development plats sometimes change prior to their final recording, and any changes made would account for and accommodate these power lines and substations prior to the city approval and recording of said plats.

Siting Map Phase 1 & 2

Project updates
APS would like to thank you for your interest and participation in the project. Although the siting process is now complete, this webpage will be maintained with the latest information. Questions can be submitted to an APS Siting Consultant at NorthPeoriaSiting@apsc.com.

Phase 1: Estimated in-service December 2021.

Construction timelines and details include the following:

Westland Substation Construction

Preliminary construction work will start at the substation site in November 2020. The perimeter walls will be 10-feet tall and consist of two-toned color concrete block. The substation transformers will convert 69,000 volts (69kV) to 12,000 volts (12kV), which is the voltage used to serve homes and businesses in your neighborhood. Landscaping will be in accordance with the City of Peoria’s permitting requirements and will blend in with the area’s existing vegetation.

Power Line Construction

The 69kV overhead power line construction is expected to start in June 2021. The new 69kV power lines will connect to our existing grid located near the west side of Highway 303 and follow the Central Arizona Project canal west to the substation site. These lines will be installed on steel poles approximately 65-85 feet tall. In addition to the 69kV infrastructure, new 12kV underground power lines will be installed to provide electricity to homes in the area, and construction is scheduled to begin in February 2021.

Additional information can be found within the September 2020 newsletter below.

Please contact Clarissa Sorden, Project Coordinator, at 602-371-7930 (Clarissa.Sorden@aps.com) or Clay Allsop, Government Affairs Representative, at 602-371-7956 (Clayton.Allsop@aps.com) with any questions or concerns regarding this project. For questions about our service, please contact our APS Customer Care Center at 602-371-7171.
Questions can also be submitted to an APS Siting Consultant at NorthPeoriaSiting@apsc.com.

North Peoria 69kV FAQ

Related documents

September 2020 Newsletter
February 2019 Newsletter
Open House #2 Display Boards
November 2018 Newsletter
April 2018 Newsletter
Open House #1 Display Boards

Power line siting projects
A look at the current siting projects, as well as some completed siting projects.
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