
Payment Policies

Answers to your questions about payment options, late fees, disconnections, payment arrangements, service re-connection or updating your account

The answers are here to help.


Starting in February 2023, residential customers who are seven days past-due on their current bill may be charged a late fee. The fee will appear on their energy bill and is calculated as 1.5% of the past-due amount plus tax. We do not charge a late fee during the summer moratorium on residential disconnection, June 1 – October 15.


During the summer moratorium on residential disconnections, between June 1 and October 15, we do not disconnect power for non-payment for residential customers.


If you are unable to pay your bill by the due date, see if you qualify for a payment arrangement. Log in to view your account or call our automated phone system at 602-371-7607 (800-253-9409).

You may also qualify for one of our assistance programs to help with your energy bill.


Customers with a past due balance of $300 or less will not be at risk of disconnection. We encourage customers with past-due balances to pay what they can and to contact us to come up with a solution.


After your account has been set up on a payment arrangement, you can view the details on the first page of your bill. View how a payment arrangement appears on a sample bill.


If you need a longer payment arrangement, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss what works for you and your budget.


Customers with past-due balances after the hold period for disconnections ends will be automatically set up on extended payment arrangements to give them more time to pay. As of January 2021, customers who are more than $75 past due will be automatically set up on 8-month payment arrangements.


If you have a past-due balance during the summer moratorium on residential disconnections, we encourage you to pay what you can to keep your balance from building.


We will send you a letter notifying you of your returned payment. For the first returned payment in a 12-month period, we will waive the fee. For any returned payments after that, we will apply a returned check fee of $15 fee (plus tax) to your account. 

After a second returned payment in a 12-month period, you will need to make your payment with cash, cashier's check, or money order during the next 12 months.

Returned payments that are made to avoid disconnection are subject to immediate disconnection, except during times when we are not disconnecting power for non-payment.


Your payment arrangement amount is calculated by dividing your past due balance over the term of your payment arrangement. Customers must pay both the payment arrangement amount and their new charges for electricity each month to avoid disconnection.


If you or someone you know needs assistance paying their energy bill, we are here to help. There are programs that provide discounts to qualified customers as well as programs to help customers stay on top of their bills. Visit aps.com/assistance to learn more and see if you qualify.


We encourage customers to contact us to discuss their options to avoid disconnection. Prior to disconnection, you will receive several notices and prompts to pay what you can on your past-due balance.


APS accepts cash, personal checks, cashier checks, valid money orders, electronic funds transfers, credit and debit card payments, as well as payments made through PayPal, Venmo and Amazon Pay.


No. APS will not accept any non-negotiable document, such as a certified letter, notarized letter, sight draft, bill of exchange, endorsed bill stub with notations, IRS tax form, Notice of Claim to Credit Interest, Form 1099-A, debt security, bond indenture, or any other document, as payment for an APS bill. 

Tip: Make sure you’re using one of the payment methods listed on our payment options page.

Preventing Fraud

  • Be skeptical of anyone who claims that your APS bill can be paid by writing a note like “acceptance for value” on your bill stub.
  • Be wary of any offer that claims to tell you how to access a secret bank account or U.S. Treasury account to pay your APS bill.
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