
Business Plans

Retailer assisting customers


Your business is unlike any other. That’s why we offer rate plan options that are tiered to fit your unique energy needs. We’ll assign you to the right level based on your summer peak energy use, then you can choose between a non-time-of-use or time-of-use plan. Read on to learn more.

Non-time-of-use plans

On a non-time-of-use plan, you’ll pay the same rate no matter what time of day or day of the week you use energy. This is a good option for businesses that can’t limit their energy usage during on-peak hours on weekdays.

Time-of-use plans

On a time-of-use plan, your rate is based on what time of day and day of the week you use energy, plus two monthly demand charges — one for the highest 15-minute period of usage during on-peak hours and one for the highest 15-minute period of usage during off-peak hours. (If you’re an extra small customer, your demand charges will be for the highest hour of on-peak and off-peak usage.)

Rates are higher during on-peak hours but lower during all other off-peak hours.

For extra small customers: A demand charge plan

If you’re a customer with extra small energy demand, you’ll also have the option to enroll in a demand charge plan. This plan is similar to a non-time-of-use plan, but also includes a demand charge for the highest hour of usage during the month.

Seasonal pricing

No matter what plan you’re on, you’ll pay summer rates during your May-October billing cycles, and winter rates, which are slightly lower, November-April.

Extra Small

For customers with a monthly average summer demand of 20 kW or less.


For customers with a monthly average summer demand of 21-100 kW.


For customers with a monthly average summer demand of 101-400 kW.


For customers with a monthly average summer demand of 400 kW or more.

Extra Large

For customers with a monthly average summer demand of 3,000 kW or more for 3 consecutive months in a 12-month period.

Have questions?

We can help. Call our Business Line at (602) 371-6767 or (800) 253-9407.

If your organization has unique characteristics or specialized energy needs, you may qualify for a less common rate plan not mentioned above. Call us at (602) 371-6767 or (800) 253-9407 to talk through your options. You can also view tariff sheets for all our business plan offerings here.
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