Renewable Energy Riders

We support the expansion of renewable energy use in Arizona and we understand you want practical ways to produce a portion of your energy. That's why we offer riders that work in combination with your plan.
RCP is a net billing solar purchase energy rider, it measures the excess power you don't use and gives you a monthly bill credit based on the current RCP purchase rate. The credit will apply towards your APS billed amount for that month, and any remaining credit will roll over to the next month’s bill. At the end of the year, we’ll issue you a refund check if your monthly bill credit is more than $25.
Eligibility and Restrictions
Eligibility and Restrictions
- Electricity must be generated using solar photovoltaic panels
- Generator must be interconnected to our APS distribution grid
- Residential solar only and must have an AMI meter
- Generator must be on-site, installed behind the billing meter, and must serve the customer's load
- The RCP export rate is subject to the requirements found in:
- The Arizona Administrative Code Distributed Generation Interconnection Requirements
- Interconnection Manual
- Electric Service Requirements Manual
EPR-6 is a net metering renewable energy rider where excess kWh produced and not used will be netted against kWh supplied by us during the billing month, or banked and netted on subsequent bills if necessary. You are still responsible to pay any kWh difference for that month according to your service plan. (For example: If you have a time of use plan, any excess energy sent back to the grid on-peak will only apply to on-peak usage and vice versa with off-peak. If you have a standard rate, any excess energy sent back to the grid is kWh for kWh. At the end of the year, any banked excess energy will be bought back at the EPR-6 export rate.
Eligibility and Restrictions
- Must be interconnected to our APS distribution grid
- Must be on-site, installed behind the billing meter, and must serve the Customer's load
- Business solar only and must have an AMI meter
- The system cannot be larger than 125% of the connected load for its meter, where connected load is defined as the maximum demand divided by 0.6.
- The EPR-6 export rate is subject to the requirements found in:
- The Arizona Administrative Code Distributed Generation Interconnection Requirements
- Interconnection Manual
- Interconnection Agreement
- Electric Service Requirements Manual
Legacy EPR-6 is a net metering renewable energy rider where excess kWh produced and not used will be netted against kWh supplied by us during the billing month, or banked and netted on subsequent bills if necessary. You are still responsible to pay any kWh difference for that month according to your service plan. (For example: If you have a time of use plan, any excess energy sent back to the grid on-peak will only apply to on-peak usage and vice versa with off-peak. If you have a standard rate, any excess energy sent back to the grid is kWh for kWh. At the end of the year, any banked excess energy will be bought back at the EPR-6 export rate. Legacy EPR-6 is a net-metering renewable energy rider that is frozen and no longer available to new customers.
Eligibility and Restrictions
• Must qualify for the residential solar grandfathering program
• May only be used in conjunction with residential Legacy plans
• You may remain on this rate rider for up to 20 years from the date your solar generator was interconnected to our APS distribution grid
• Generating unit must be no more than 125% of your total connected load
• May not be combined with the Budget Billing program, Green Choice plans and/or Summary Billing
• May only be used in conjunction with residential Legacy plans
• You may remain on this rate rider for up to 20 years from the date your solar generator was interconnected to our APS distribution grid
• Generating unit must be no more than 125% of your total connected load
• May not be combined with the Budget Billing program, Green Choice plans and/or Summary Billing
EPR-2 is a net billing renewable purchase energy rider. It measures the excess power you produce and don't use and gives you a monthly bill credit based on the current EPR-2 purchase rate. The credit will apply towards your APS billed amount for that month, and any remaining credit will roll over to the next month’s bill.
Eligibility and Restrictions
• Must have a qualifying on-site co-generation or small power production facility which is interconnected to our distribution grid
• Must have a generating nameplate capacity of 100 kW-ac or less
• Residential & business solar
• Must have an AMI meter
• Must have a generating nameplate capacity of 100 kW-ac or less
• Residential & business solar
• Must have an AMI meter
E-56R is a net billing renewable purchase energy rider. It measures the excess power you produce and don't use and gives you a monthly bill credit based on the current EPR-2 purchase rate. E-56R is for customers that don’t meet the qualifications outlined in EPR-6 and have a generating nameplate capacity greater than 100 kW-ac. The credit will apply towards your APS billed amount for that month, and any remaining credit will roll over to the next month’s bill.
Eligibility and Restrictions
- Must have a qualifying on-site co-generation or small power production facility which is interconnected to our distribution grid
- Must have a generating nameplate capacity greater than 100 kW-ac
- Business solar
- Must have an AMI meter