
Clean Energy

Girls exploring Papago Park


Arizona is a beautiful place to live, work and play. Together, we can keep it that way. We’re committed to doing our part.

APS is the state's leader in clean energy – providing customers with energy that is 54% clean today and growing – while maintaining reliability and affordability for customers. Our balanced and diverse energy portfolio includes:

  • Carbon-free nuclear energy from Palo Verde Generating Station – one of the largest producers of clean energy in the country

  • Renewable resources, including solar and wind, paired with battery energy storage

  • Energy efficiency and demand management programs that help customers reduce energy use, especially during times of peak demand on the system

APS is committed to providing 100% clean and carbon-free energy by 2050 while providing reliable and affordable energy to meet our customers’ needs. The goal includes a nearer-term 2030 target of achieving a resource mix that is 65% clean energy, with 45% of our generation portfolio coming from renewable energy. In addition, we plan to exit from all coal-fired generation by 2031.

Agave Solar Plant aerial

Agave Solar Power Plant

The Agave Solar Power Plant provides 150 MW of capacity to the APS electric system – enough power for 24,000 homes.

Learn about the Agave Solar Power Plant arrow dropdown

Chevelon Butte wind farm project

Chevelon Butte Wind Farm

Arizona’s ranching history helps power Arizona’s clean energy future.

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Employees in front of a large grid

Virtual Power Plant

A network of thousands of customer-owned devices, including smart thermostats and home battery storage, can quickly reduce energy demand, acting like an energy generating resource.

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Coal power plant against a cloudy sky

Transitioning out of Coal

We plan to exit from coal-fired generation by 2031. We’re focused on protecting reliability and affordability for customers and supporting impacted communities through a responsible transition.

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Woman sitting in front of a bank of computer screens

Supporting Coal Communities

Grants support economic and workforce development for communities impacted by the transition away from coal-fired power plants.

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Child sitting on parents shoulders watching the sunset.

Track Our Clean Energy Progress

Our energy mix is already 54% clean, and we’re on track to meet our clean energy commitment to be 100% clean and carbon-free by 2050 – without compromising reliability or affordability for customers.

Read our Corporate Responsibility Report arrow dropdown

Two APS employees standing in a solar field, looking off into the distance.

Increasing Clean Energy Resources

We have more than 3,000 megawatts (MW) of renewable resources in our diverse energy mix, enough to serve 480,000+ Arizona homes. By 2027, APS seeks to add 6,000+ MW of cost-competitive solar and wind energy.
Night shot of Punkin Center.

Investing in Energy Storage

Energy storage is a critical component of Arizona’s clean energy future. Energy storage systems capture solar energy when the sun is shining bright for use after sunset to meet customers’ needs.
Employees at Palo Verde Generating Station.

Counting on Palo Verde

Palo Verde Generating Station is one of the nation’s largest clean energy producers. Its continued operation is vital to a carbon-free energy future for Arizona and the region. Palo Verde displaces carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to more than 4 million cars driven for a year.
Arizona sunset landscape.

Using Natural Gas to Support Reliability

Flexible generation resources like natural gas will help us meet our growing demand while we incorporate more renewable power. Natural gas is an important part of a diverse energy mix and a necessary partner to the large quantities of solar and battery energy storage we’re adding to our system.
Customer using a smart thermostat to set temperature.

Partnering with Customers

Our customers play a big role in helping conserve energy. The APS Cool Rewards program is one of the largest smart thermostat programs in the country and helps meet demand on Arizona’s hottest summer days. Through summer 2024, with more than 95,000 customer smart thermostats enrolled, the program conserved approximately 160 MW of power —the equivalent of a small power plant’s production.
Sunset over desert cacti.

Our commitment to Sustainability

Explore the ways we are working to secure a sustainable energy future for Arizona.

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Electric vehicle charging.

Plugging in to Electric Vehicles

As electricity gets cleaner, it makes sense to power more of Arizona with it, especially vehicles. This also supports affordable rates and efficient use of renewable energy. Let’s make Arizona a great place to drive electric.

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Two APS employees looking into the distance in front of soalr panels.

Corporate Responsibility Report

Sustainable practices support a healthy environment, a vibrant economy and strong communities.

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