
Payment policies

Frequently asked questions about service for your business

The answers are here to help.


For your convenience, we offer lots of ways to make a payment. From paying online to paying over the phone to paying in person at one of our retail partner locations. You can even set up AutoPay or make a payment with our mobile app.


If you are unable to pay your bill by the due date, you can set up a payment arrangement. Log into your account or call the APS Business Center at 602-371-6767 (800-253-9407).


Mailing addresses can only be updated by the primary account holder and those with the appropriate authorizations on file with us. The easiest way is to log in to your account and update the mailing address from the manage profile page located under “my profile & preferences”.

You can also have an authorized agent request the update by calling 602-371-6767 (800-253-9407).

Or a signed, written request on company letterhead with the requestor’s printed name, title and signature can be emailed to businesscare@aps.com or mailed to:

Commercial Credit Department
PO Box 53933, M.S. 3204
Phoenix, AZ 85072-3933


Your bill is due no later than 21 days from your bill date. Late payments are subject to a late payment charge of 1.5% per month.

Please note, if your account is on Budget Billing and you have two late payments, your account will be removed from Budget Billing and the balance will be added to your next bill.


We will send you a letter notifying you of your returned payment. For the first returned payment in a 12-month period, we will waive the fee. For any returned payments after that, we will apply a returned check fee of $15 fee (plus tax) to your account. 

After a second returned payment in a 12-month period, you will need to make your payment with cash, cashier's check, or money order during the next 12 months.

Returned payments that are made to avoid disconnection are subject to immediate disconnection, except during times when we are not disconnecting power for non-payment.


To have your service turned back on, you will need to pay your total past due balance and any unpaid deposits.

After service is restored, your next bill may be assessed a $33 (plus tax) service establishment charge and a new deposit fee. Your service will be reconnected once payment is processed.
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