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Perryville Substation to Valencia Substation 69kV
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Voltage - 69 kV
Estimated completion date - Late 2018
Location - Central Buckeye
Project need
Connect the Perryville Substation to the Valencia Substation. Ensure a reliable power source for the future.
Project description
The electric system serving the central Buckeye area is made up of multiple substations and power lines. These substations are located in residential and commercial areas. The loss of any one of the 69kV lines or substations may result in power outages in the area until repairs can be made. Outages are often a result of powerful storms in the area or even vehicle accidents. Adding new facilities will improve reliability and help ensure APS has adequate power available to meet the electrical needs in the area.
To maintain reliable electric service and accommodate future load growth, APS plans to add a new substation near 239th Avenue and Southern Avenue. This new substation will require new 69kV power lines to connect into the existing electrical system currently serving the area. These new power lines will connect the new substation with both the Perryville Substation, located at Jackrabbit Trail and Lower Buckeye Road, and the Valencia Substation, located at Miller Road and Maricopa Road. The resulting project will create a continuous 69kV line between the Perryville and Valencia substations, with an interconnection at the new substation.
Project planning
In early 2017, APS hired Environmental Planning Group (EPG) to assist in evaluating route alternatives, to assess potential environmental impacts, and to support the public outreach process. Through an extensive public outreach and planning process, which is now complete, we have identified the final alignments for the two segments of the project (see map below).
When developing route alternatives, APS evaluates many criteria, including: environmental impacts, engineering and construction feasibility, land acquisition timing and costs, regulatory approvals, potential impacts to existing and planned neighborhoods, and input from agencies and the public.
The new segments of the 69kV power line will be built on steel poles and will be either a single 69kV circuit configuration (three wires per circuit) or a double 69kV circuit configuration (six total wires on the same pole) depending on the segment. The anticipated height of the new poles will be approximately 65 feet. APS plans to have the first new 69kV power line (Valencia segment) in service by approximately late 2018."
Project maps
Final Selected Routes
Public input is important
An important component of this siting process is to gather input from residents, tenants, property owners, and businesses within the study area. APS and EPG have completed a thorough review of all public comments submitted. After consideration of the comments and a more detailed engineering evaluation, APS has selected the final power line routes. A third and final newsletter was mailed to the public and key stakeholders on October 13, 2017. This final newsletter illustrated the selected final power line routes and the anticipated schedule for construction.
Project updates
Although the siting process is now complete, this webpage will be maintained with the latest information. Questions can be submitted to an APS Siting Consultant at perryvillevalencia@apsc.com.
Related documents
October 2017 Final Newsletter
March 2017 Newsletter
July 2017 Newsletter
Este boletin Julio 2017
Open House #1 Display Boards
Open House #2 Display Boards
Estimated completion date - Late 2018
Location - Central Buckeye
Project need
Connect the Perryville Substation to the Valencia Substation. Ensure a reliable power source for the future.
Project description
The electric system serving the central Buckeye area is made up of multiple substations and power lines. These substations are located in residential and commercial areas. The loss of any one of the 69kV lines or substations may result in power outages in the area until repairs can be made. Outages are often a result of powerful storms in the area or even vehicle accidents. Adding new facilities will improve reliability and help ensure APS has adequate power available to meet the electrical needs in the area.
To maintain reliable electric service and accommodate future load growth, APS plans to add a new substation near 239th Avenue and Southern Avenue. This new substation will require new 69kV power lines to connect into the existing electrical system currently serving the area. These new power lines will connect the new substation with both the Perryville Substation, located at Jackrabbit Trail and Lower Buckeye Road, and the Valencia Substation, located at Miller Road and Maricopa Road. The resulting project will create a continuous 69kV line between the Perryville and Valencia substations, with an interconnection at the new substation.
Project planning
In early 2017, APS hired Environmental Planning Group (EPG) to assist in evaluating route alternatives, to assess potential environmental impacts, and to support the public outreach process. Through an extensive public outreach and planning process, which is now complete, we have identified the final alignments for the two segments of the project (see map below).
When developing route alternatives, APS evaluates many criteria, including: environmental impacts, engineering and construction feasibility, land acquisition timing and costs, regulatory approvals, potential impacts to existing and planned neighborhoods, and input from agencies and the public.
The new segments of the 69kV power line will be built on steel poles and will be either a single 69kV circuit configuration (three wires per circuit) or a double 69kV circuit configuration (six total wires on the same pole) depending on the segment. The anticipated height of the new poles will be approximately 65 feet. APS plans to have the first new 69kV power line (Valencia segment) in service by approximately late 2018."
Project maps
Final Selected Routes
Public input is important
An important component of this siting process is to gather input from residents, tenants, property owners, and businesses within the study area. APS and EPG have completed a thorough review of all public comments submitted. After consideration of the comments and a more detailed engineering evaluation, APS has selected the final power line routes. A third and final newsletter was mailed to the public and key stakeholders on October 13, 2017. This final newsletter illustrated the selected final power line routes and the anticipated schedule for construction.
Project updates
Although the siting process is now complete, this webpage will be maintained with the latest information. Questions can be submitted to an APS Siting Consultant at perryvillevalencia@apsc.com.
Related documents
October 2017 Final Newsletter
March 2017 Newsletter
July 2017 Newsletter
Este boletin Julio 2017
Open House #1 Display Boards
Open House #2 Display Boards
Power line siting projects
A look at the current siting projects, as well as some completed siting projects.