
Pinal Electrical Improvement Project

Boys loading the dishwasher


Voltage – 69kV and 230kV
Estimated siting completion date – 69kV: Q1 2025 / 230kV Q4 2025
Location – Arizona, Pinal County

Project Need

To meet the expanding energy needs of more people and businesses throughout the Casa Grande area, we are looking to upgrade our system. We are continuing studies to determine appropriate routes for new power lines and substations in the Pinal County area. These facilities will connect with existing transmission infrastructure and include 230kV and 69kV facilities. We are working to identify locations for the new lines to best meet the needs of our customers and the community.

Below is an example of the types of structures we are proposing:

A schematic diagram showing different hieghts of power poles in the Pinal project.

Proposed Map Route

Pinal Project map

Public Open House

Thank you to everyone who provided input and attended our first open houses in April. We still want your input and invite you to join our second round of in-person open houses on November 19 and 20 from 5-7 p.m. The open houses will be held at the Pinal County Fairgrounds, located at 512 S. Eleven Mile Corner Rd. Casa Grande, AZ 85194. You will have the chance to learn more about the project and submit any questions or concerns.

Virtual Open House

You can also attend our virtual open house at any time online at PinalOpenHouse.com to learn more about the project. You will be able to provide input and talk to those working on the project. If you cannot access the webpage, you can request a hard copy of the open house materials.

Please provide any input by December 20, 2024, to allow timely review and consideration during the siting process.

For more information:
Project information phone line: (520) 482-2818
Project email: PinalProject@aps.com
Lupe Martinez and Stephen Eich, Siting Consultants
Arizona Public Service
2121 West Cheryl Drive
Mail Station 3808
Phoenix, AZ 85021

How power gets to you

The illustration below shows how energy is delivered to you, including how it is generated, transmitted long distances and finally distributed to your homes and businesses.

How electricity gets to you diagram

Thank you for providing valuable input that helps us serve your area with safe and reliable energy now and into the future. 

Watch the video below to learn more about the project. 

Related materials

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