
Three Rivers 230kV

young boy wearing a bike helmet holding on to a bicycle wheel


Voltage - 230kV
Estimated completion date - 4th Quarter 2021
Location - East Goodyear and west Avondale area

Project need
Connect new power lines and substation into an existing 230kV transmission line to serve a new data center located west of Bullard Avenue between Van Buren Street and Yuma Road.

Project description
The greater Phoenix region has emerged as one of the top markets in the western United States for attracting high-tech industries, including data center companies. The west valley, in particular, is benefiting from economic development activity that will bring jobs and revenue to the area. We are dedicated to providing safe and reliable electric service to support this growth. In February 2020, we announced the need for new electrical infrastructure to serve a new data center in Goodyear, and support the overall growth in the west valley. We held public open house meetings on February 19 and 20, in Avondale and Goodyear to explain the purpose and need for this project, answer questions, discuss potential routes for the power lines, and solicit input from all who attended. The feedback you provided at the open house and through mail, email, telephone and the project webpage helped us identify several route alternatives. In July 2020, we launched a virtual open house to share the results of these studies and present these route alternatives to once again gather public input, answer questions, and solicit feedback to determine optimal route options for the new transmission lines. These lines are needed to connect the new Three Rivers Substation, located near Bullard Avenue and Van Buren Street in Goodyear, to the existing power line along the Agua Fria River in Avondale.

Project planning
The studies we have conducted include environmental impacts, engineering and construction feasibility, land acquisition timing and costs, potential impacts to existing and planned neighborhoods and businesses and input from agencies and the public. Results of these studies have helped us identify three route options: a Preferred Route, Alternative Route #1, and Alternative Route #2 (see Three Rivers 230kV Project Map link below). Each route option forms a looped connection from the existing 230kV transmission line along the Agua Fria River in Avondale to the Three Rivers Substation located near Bullard Avenue and Van Buren Street in Goodyear, then back to the existing 230kV transmission line.

Project maps
Three Rivers 230kV Project Map
Combined Alternative Routes Map
Preferred Route Map

Project features
Monopole (single pole) structures are typically used for new 230kV transmission lines, but may include a variety of steel structure types, ranging in height from approximately 115 feet tall to a maximum height of 195 feet depending on routing, terrain and crossing of existing structures, including elevated roads and other power lines. The typical rights-of-way or easements are approximately 120 feet wide (60 feet each side of the structure), but may also vary. Any opportunity to utilize existing 69kV power line routes for the new 230kV structures will be considered.

Public Hearing Information
August 16th, 2021: A Prefiling Conference was held with the Chairman of the Arizona Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting to discuss the application, public hearing agenda, and ensure proper notifications and filing requirements will be met. PDF copies of the prefiling conference transcripts, prefiling exhibits, notice of hearing, and the hearing agenda can be viewed within the Evidentiary Hearing documents below.

August 24th, 2021: An application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) was filed at the ACC Docket Control. The docket number for this Project is L-00000D-21-0292-00193. A PDF copy of the CEC application can be viewed within the Evidentiary Hearing documents below

September 27th, 2021: A Prehearing conference was held with the Chairman of the Arizona Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting to ensure notification requirements were met and discuss evidentiary hearing protocol and expectations. A PDF copy of the prehearing conference transcripts can be viewed within the Evidentiary Hearing documents below.

October 4th-5th, 2021: The Arizona Power Plant and Transmission Line Siting Committee (Committee) held hearings on this project beginning at 1 PM on October 4th at the Hampton Inn & Suites, 2000 N Litchfield Road, Goodyear, AZ 85395. A Public Comment Period was also held that same day at 5:30 pm. Notification was sent to the public before the hearings to provide information for attendance in person or on-line. 

The Siting Committee completed the evidentiary hearings on October 5th, 2021, and voted unanimously, 10 – 0, to grant APS a CEC for their preferred route. The Chairman has submitted this CEC to the ACC for their consideration. The ACC can either grant the CEC as proposed, modify the proposed CEC, or deny the CEC. 

November 17, 2021: The case for the approval of the CEC as submitted by the Chairman of the Committee was presented in the Contingency Open Meeting of the Commission. The Commission voted to approve the CEC as submitted by the Siting Committee.

The approved Certificate of Environmental Compatibility (CEC) can be viewed here.

All documents and links related to this project can be viewed within the links below.

Although the public siting process is now complete, comments or questions can be submitted by email to:

Siting Consultant

Related documents
Three Rivers 230kV Newsletter No. 1
Three Rivers 230kV Newsletter No. 2
Three Rivers 230kV Newsletter No. 3
Three Rivers Open House 1

Evidentiary Hearing documents
Prefiling Conference Transcripts
Prefiling Exhibits
Notice of Hearing
Hearing Notification Postcard
Hearing Agenda
CEC Application
Prehearing Conference Transcripts
Prehearing Exhibits
Day 1 Evidentiary Hearing Transcripts
Day 2 Evidentiary Hearing Transcripts
Evidentiary Hearing Exhibits
Line Siting Committee Filing of CEC Case 193

Final approved documents
Approved CEC
Final Newsletter and Map
Power line siting projects
A look at the current siting projects, as well as some completed siting projects.
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