
APS Offers Ways to Spring into Energy Savings

Spring is a good time to start new cost-saving habits


PHOENIX – Looking to finally start those annual spring-cleaning projects? APS has some suggestions that can help you clean up your approach to energy savings by taking advantage of special discounts and offerings and by following these simple cost-saving tips:

  • Replace or clean your air filters – Use the start of spring to begin a regular schedule to replace or clean your air filters once a month.


  • Service your heat pump or air conditioner – Take advantage of the cool temperatures to have your heat pump or air conditioner serviced by a licensed contractor so it will run more efficiently when summer arrives.


  • Make simple adjustments in your kitchen – Run your dishwasher only when it’s full. Operating it later at night or early in the morning also avoids adding extra heat and humidity to your house. Prepare foods when the kitchen is coolest and consider using smaller cooking appliances that use less energy. Unplug electric devices when they are not in use.


  • Use fans – As temperatures warm up, consider using ceiling fans or portable fans to help keep air moving. Fans can make you feel more comfortable as you maintain higher thermostat settings but remember to turn them off when you leave the room.


  • Wash clothes in cold water – Heating water accounts for up to 90% of energy needed to run your washing machine.


  • Switch to LED light bulbs – LEDs consume up to 90% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, last up to 25 times longer and emit less heat.


  • Install a smart thermostat – Customers can set it and forget it while saving money year-round with a smart thermostat that automatically adjusts their cooling and heating settings. APS customers can enroll in APS Cool Rewards to receive instant rebates on the latest thermostats. Visit the APS Marketplace to take advantage of exclusive rebates and discounts on qualifying thermostat models. Remember to check your settings as you transition from heating to cooling.


  • Create an online home energy profile – In less than five minutes, customers can complete an online survey to see how efficient their home is and get potential savings estimates and energy conservation recommendations that fit their lifestyle. Visit aps.com/ea.           


In addition to these energy saving tips, APS customers can save money depending on what service plan they’re on and if they reduce their energy use during a particular time of day:

  • Time-of-Use 4 pm-7 pm Weekdays - Customers can manage their costs by shifting energy use to lower-cost off-peak hours and using less energy during the higher-cost on-peak hours, between 4 pm–7 pm weekdays.


  • Time-of-Use 4 pm-7 pm Weekdays with Demand Charge - Customers can manage their costs by shifting energy use to lower-cost off-peak hours and vary usage during higher-cost on-peak hours between 4 pm - 7 pm weekdays. For example, on weekdays, customers can run their washer and dryer, so they finish before 4 pm or start them after 7 pm. If they do use appliances during on-peak hours, try not to run them at the same time. For example, finish using the washer before running the dryer.


Visit aps.com/plans to explore options and get more tips on how to save.

For those who may be struggling financially, APS offers more time to pay energy bills, including flexible payment arrangements and monthly discounts for income-qualified customers. Additional support is available for customers facing a financial hardship due to a crisis. To explore resources, visit aps.com/support or contact the APS Customer Care Center. Advisors are available to assist in English and Spanish 24/7 at (602)371-7171 or (800)253-9405.

smart thermostat

APS serves more than 1.3 million homes and businesses in 11 of Arizona’s 15 counties, and is a leader in delivering affordable, clean and reliable energy in the Southwest. The company is committed to serving customers with 100% clean power by 2050. As owner and operator of Palo Verde Generating Station, the nation’s largest producer of carbon-free electricity, and with one of the country’s most substantial renewable energy portfolios, APS’s current energy mix is 50% clean. With headquarters in Phoenix, APS is the principal subsidiary of Pinnacle West Capital Corp. (NYSE: PNW).

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