APS serves more than 1.3 million homes and businesses in 11 of Arizona’s 15 counties, and is a leader in delivering affordable, clean and reliable energy in the Southwest. The company is committed to serving customers with 100% clean power by 2050. As owner and operator of Palo Verde Generating Station, the nation’s largest producer of carbon-free electricity, and with one of the country’s most substantial renewable energy portfolios, APS’s current energy mix is 51% clean. With headquarters in Phoenix, APS is the principal subsidiary of Pinnacle West Capital Corp. (NYSE: PNW).
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APS Powers Seven Days in Row of Highest Customer Electricity Use Ever
- Customers set new peak demand record for third time in a week
- APS has adequate power supply to serve customers, electric system is stable
- APS crews are ready to respond quickly and safely when issues arise
With more than 1.3 million homes and businesses using electricity to keep cool during Arizona’s record heat wave, APS customers have again made history, setting a new peak for the most energy used. Customer energy use reached 8,193 megawatts (MW) Thursday, July 20. One megawatt powers roughly 160 homes.
Thursday’s energy use surpassed the all-time peak set just five days earlier on Saturday, July 15. Starting Friday, July 14, APS customers recorded the seven highest peak days ever. The previous peak demand was 7,660 MW set on July 30, 2020.
“Despite historic levels of energy usage, APS and its customers experienced no issues related to power supply; and that does not happen by accident. It takes years of planning, maintaining a diverse energy mix, investing in and strengthening the electric system, and most importantly teams of people who are dedicated to keeping the lights on for customers when they need us most,” said Ted Geisler, APS President. “Arizona summers can be brutal, and APS is here to serve and ready to respond every day whether we’re faced with heat, monsoon storms, wildfires or all of the above.”
Ready to respond
Being prepared and ready also means APS crews are on standby, strategically staged across APS service territory, to quickly respond when issues arise. Objects that make contact with electric equipment are a common cause of power outages – often, it’s when drivers hit equipment, a tree falls onto a power line or wind blows unsecured items like tarps, or even trampolines into power lines. Just this week, several outages were caused by construction workers who unintentionally dug into APS power lines underground. APS crews dispatched quickly; and safely restored power.
The combination of extremely high temperatures and customers using more electricity than ever before to crank up their ACs, also puts extra pressure on the grid. With monsoon storms in the forecast, Mother Nature may throw high winds and lightning into the mix, which have the potential to knock out power.
Safety first
The safety of APS employees, customers and the public is paramount. APS field crews are prepared to work in challenging conditions, stay hydrated and perform regular health and safety check-ins. We encourage customers to be ready too, stay hydrated and look out for one another, checking in on the elderly, children and pets.
For tips on how to be ready in case of a power outage, what to do during an outage or view the APS outage map, visit the APS app or aps.com/outagecenter.
APS is here to help with ways to save and bill assistance
APS customers consume the most energy from 4-7 p.m. so if customers can conserve energy, that’s the best time to do it. In fact, each day’s peak this week was reached between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Being more efficient with energy during that time not only saves money, it helps the environment, and supports a reliable energy grid. In fact, the APS Time-of Use 4pm-7pm Weekdays and Time of Use 4pm-7pm Weekdays with Demand Charge rate plans are designed to reward customers who shift energy use to the 21 hours outside of the on-peak window and all weekend long. Customers on the demand charge plan should also stagger the use of energy, especially major appliances like clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers and pool pumps during higher cost on-peak hours of 4pm-7pm weekdays.
Visit aps.com/plans to learn more about residential rate plans, aps.com/tips for ways to save money and aps.com/assistance for assistance programs and heat relief resources.