
Simple Changes at Home Can Reduce Energy Costs

For Energy Efficiency Day, APS offers ways to save


Using household electricity in a smart, thoughtful manner is one of the easiest ways to save money. National Energy Efficiency Day (Oct. 4) is the perfect opportunity for Arizona Public Service (APS) customers to reduce both energy costs, and use, by making simple changes like these at home:

  • Turn off unused electronics - That sounds obvious, but too often we forget and leave electronics plugged in and turned on when not in use. Turn off unnecessary/idle lights, appliances and electronics.
  • Use a smart thermostat - A smart thermostat allows you to make your home comfortable while using energy efficiently year-round. Set the temperature a few degrees higher in the summer, or a few degrees lower in the winter, when you are away from your home. Visit the APS Marketplace at myaps.store/tstats for exclusive rebates and discounts on qualifying smart thermostats.
  • Switch to LED - LEDs last at least 25 times longer and consume up to 90% less electricity than incandescent bulbs. If you haven't already done so, as an APS customer you can get a free 4-bulb LED starter kit at marketplace.aps.com/savingskit.
  • Compare rate plans - To compare APS rate plans, switch plans and find ways to save on each plan, visit aps.com/compare. Our online rate comparison tool is a quick, easy way to determine if there’s a rate plan available that would have saved you money without any change in behavior. APS also provides rate comparison information on monthly bills.
  • Make the most of APS Time-of-Use rate plans by shifting energy use to off-peak hours. Customers on Time-of-Use 4-7pm Weekdays and Time-of-Use 4-7pm Weekdays with Demand Charge plans consistently save the most money with no or minimal behavior changes. You can save even more with changes like pre-cooling your home in the summer before the on-peak hours of 4-7 p.m.
  • Seal those leaks - On average, heating and cooling accounts for almost half of a home’s energy use. Caulk windows and seal leaks anywhere air might enter or leave your house.
  • Wash your clothes in cold water - A washing machine uses 90% of its energy to heat water. Consider using cold water instead.
  • Is your home hiding savings? - Find out by participating in an APS Home Energy Checkup. Visit aps.com/checkup to sign up. Virtual and in-person opportunities are available.


Energy efficiency not only reduces energy costs, but also helps the environment. For each of the past three years, APS has been named an ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for our energy efficiency programs. Learn more about ways to save at aps.com/save.


APS is here to help customers who may be struggling to pay their bills. To learn about flexible payment arrangements or customer bill assistance programs, visit aps.com/support or contact (602) 371-7171 or (800) 253-9405 to speak to an APS advisor 24/7 in English or Spanish.

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APS serves approximately 1.4 million homes and businesses in 11 of Arizona’s 15 counties, and is a leader in delivering affordable, clean and reliable energy in the Southwest. The company is committed to serving customers with 100% clean power by 2050. As owner and operator of Palo Verde Generating Station, the nation’s largest producer of carbon-free electricity, and with one of the country’s most substantial renewable energy portfolios, APS’s current energy mix is 51% clean. With headquarters in Phoenix, APS is the principal subsidiary of Pinnacle West Capital Corp. (NYSE: PNW).

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