
Power of Giving Program

The Power of Giving Program makes it easy to lend a helping hand to friends, relatives and neighbors struggling to pay their APS energy bills. To contribute funds directly to the person’s account, all you need is their name and address. You don’t have to be an APS customer to participate, and your entire contribution will be applied to their account.

How to Donate

Mail in a Form & Check

  • Download, print and complete the appropriate form below, then mail the form with a check or money order to the address listed on the form.
  • To donate anonymously, mark the “Please keep my gift anonymous” checkbox on the form.
  • Please allow up to 5 days after receipt for the contribution to appear on the account.
  • Both you and the recipient will receive a letter or email confirming the payment.
Download Single Contribution Form
Download Multiple Contribution Form

Call APS

• Both you and the recipient will receive a letter or email confirming the payment.
• The payment will be posted immediately. There is a small fee for credit card payments.
• The recipient will receive a letter or email confirming the payment. Please inform the advisor if you would like your gift to remain anonymous.

Other Options:

• Pay without logging in on aps.com if you have the account number and mailing zip code. You can pay with checking or credit card. There is a transaction fee for credit card payments.
• Ask the person you are helping to add you as a guest role on their account. You can then sign in to make a payment on their behalf.
• Project SHARE is a great way to help others who are struggling to pay their bill. Your donation will help an Arizona family in need.
Project SHARE
If you want to give back but don’t have a specific recipient in mind, consider donating to Project SHARE. Through our partnership with The Salvation Army, they provide up to $500 in assistance to Arizona families struggling to pay their energy bills.
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