
How to Read Your Electric Meter

Phoenix metro area at dusk with greenery.


The APS meter at your home tracks and records your daily power usage. You can check your daily energy usage1 by logging into your aps.com account online or on the APS app. Your online account provides detailed reports of your usage and is the best and easiest way to view and manage your usage. Some customers have an interest in learning more about how their meter works. The information on this page will help you understand how to read the usage on your meter, if you choose. See tips for reading each meter type below.

There are three categories of digital meters –
Standard Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI),
Solar AMI, and
Non-Standard Non-AMI2,
which are explained in each tab below.

The meters can measure total power you use over time in kilowatt hours (kWh), on-peak, off-peak, and super off-peak kWh and kW usage (demand). They feature an easy-to-read electronic display, which typically shows six to 12 fields. Each field appears through the display window for a few seconds on a rotating basis.

Note: Most APS meters are standardized to be consistent across display types for our time-of-use classifications, regardless of the rate plan you may be on. Therefore, you are only charged for the fields displayed on the meter, or time-of-use classifications (tiers), that apply to your rate plan. APS may use this non-billing data to compare your usage history to recommend rate plans that may save you the most money based on your usage habits.

The information provided on this page was prepared for you as a general guide. Please note that it does not apply to all meter models.

1 Your daily usage is available online the day after consumption
2 Automated Meter Reading AMR or Manual Meter Reading MMR


Determine your meter make and model by looking at the face plate. APS uses the following meter types:

Type of Meter Make of Meter  Model of Meter
 Standard AMI  Honeywell Elster  Rex2 - R2SD
 RexU - RUD
 A3 - RL/TL
 Landis+Gyr    Focus - AXRe-SD/GS
 E650 S4x - RXR
 Solar AMI  Honeywell Elster
 A3 - RL/TL
 Focus - AXRe-SD/GS 
 Landis+Gyr    E650 S4x - RXR
 Non Standard Non-AMI  Itron / Other meter brands  Varies



Knowing the time-of-use classification (tier) that the meter is currently recording can help indicate the rates or time-of-use classifications programmed on the meter; however, this is not intended to determine your rate plan.

After you have found your meter type in one of the make/model specific tabs below, you can use this general lookup to observe the active time-of-use classification (tier) being recorded on your meter at a specific point in time.

Different models will denote the classification (tier) in different ways:

  • Landis+Gyr will display a small A, B or C in the lower left on the Present Time field.
  • Honeywell Elster will display a small TA, TB or TC in the upper right on the Present Time field.
  • The A3 meter model does not follow a common pattern, and will display RATE A, RATE B, RATE C in small text in the center left on all usage fields. This indicator will blink only on the currently recording classification (tier), and will be static, or not blinking, on the fields not presently recording.


  Sequence for Non-Solar
Sequence for Solar  Classification (Tier)
   Display Test   Display Test  
 1 Present Date*  1 Present Date  
 2 Present Time  2 Present Time  
 3 Total kWh  3 Total kWh-Delivered Total
 4 On-Peak kWh  4 On-Peak kWh-Delivered Tier A
 5 On-Peak kW  5 On-Peak kWh-Delivered Tier A
 6  Super Off-Peak kWh  6 Super Off-Peak kWh-Delivered Tier B
 7 Off-Peak kWh  7 Off-Peak kWh-Delivered Tier C
 8 Off-Peak kW  8 Off-Peak kW-Delivered Tier C
   Firmware Version  9 Total kWh-Received Total
    10  On-Peak kWh-Received Tier A
    11 Super Off-Peak kWh-Received Tier B
    12 Off-Peak kWh-Received Tier C
       Firmware Version  

Delivered from APS to customer
Received by APS from customer

Closeup view of standard AMI a meter

Our standard AMI meters securely collect energy-usage data and automatically communicate your usage to APS for billing purposes. AMI meters provide customers better control and visibility to energy usage. These meters also allow us to share detailed usage reports for you on APS.com and the APS mobile app, to provide better insights for managing your energy usage and bills.

The tables in the subtabs for each meter model below will give you information on the sequencing of display fields for the make and model of the meter at your service location. Learn more about the Classification (Tier) Indicator in the “Determining the current time-of-use classification (tier) being recorded on the meter” section above.

*Super off-peak only applies to certain rate plans and only during Nov.-Apr. billing cycles. (Off-peak kWh usage is calculated as super off-peak and off-peak combined when super off-peak does not apply.)
** Additional display fields may vary depending on meter make/model and do not apply to customer bills. These additional fields are meant to be used for field personnel only.

Honeywell Elster


   Elster REX2  Classification (Tier) Indicator
 1  LCD Test**   
 2  Firmware Version**  
 3  Time / Current Rate Tier
 4  Total kWh-Delivered  Total
 5  On-Peak kWh-Delivered  TA
 6  On-Peak kW-Delivered  TA
 7  Super Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  TB
 8  Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  TC
 9  Off-Peak kW-Delivered  TC
   LAN Registration Information**  


Note: Delivered refers to electricity delivered from APS to the customer.

Note: REX2 meter model does not display the date.


   Elster REXU for Non-Solar  Classification (Tier) Indicator
 1  Date  
 2  Time / Current Rate Tier  
 3  Total kWh-Delivered  Total
 4  On-Peak kWh-Delivered  TA
 5  On-Peak kW-Delivered  TA
 6  Super Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  TB
 7  Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  TC
 8  Off-Peak kW-Delivered  TC
 Firmware Version**  
   LCD Test**  
   LAN Registration Information**  

Note: Delivered refers to electricity delivered from APS to the customer.


   Elster A3 for Non-Solar  
Classification (Tier) Indicator
 1  Date  
 2  Time  
 3  Total kWh-Delivered  Total
 4  On-Peak kWh-Delivered  RATE A
 5  On-Peak kW-Delivered  RATE A
 6  Super Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  RATE B
 7  Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  RATE C
 8  Off-Peak kW-Delivered  RATE C
   LAN Registration Information**  
   LCD Test  

Note: Delivered refers to electricity delivered from APS to the customer.



   L+G Focus for Non-Solar  Classification (Tier) Indicator
 1  Present Date  
 2  Present Time / Current Rate Tier  
 3  Total kWh-Delivered  Total
 4  On-Peak kWh-Delivered  A
 5  On-Peak kW-Delivered  A
 6  Super Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  B
 7  Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  C
 8  Off-Peak kW-Delivered  C
   Service Disconnect State**  
   LCD Test**  

Note: Delivered refers to electricity delivered from APS to the customer.


   L+G S4x for Non-Solar  Classification (Tier) Indicator
 1   Present Date  
 2   Present Time / Current Rate Tier  
 3   Total kWh  Total
 4  On-Peak kWh  A
 5  On-Peak kW  A
 6  Super Off-Peak kWh*  B
 7  Off-Peak kWh  C
 8  Off-Peak kW   C
   LCD Test**  
Closeup view of solar AMI a meter

Solar meters are for customers with rooftop solar, and they capture how much electricity your solar system is generating, how much energy your home is consuming, and how much energy you are purchasing from APS.

The tables in the subtabs for each meter model below will give you information on the sequencing of display fields for the make and model of the meter at your service location. Learn more about the Classification (Tier) Indicator in the “Determining the current time-of-use classification (tier) being recorded on the meter” section above.

*Super off-peak only applies to certain rate plans and only during Nov.-Apr. billing cycles. (Off-peak kWh usage is calculated as super off-peak and off-peak combined when super off-peak does not apply.)
**Additional display fields may vary depending on meter make/model and do not apply to customer bills. These additional fields are meant to be used for field personnel only.

Honeywell Elster


  Elster REXU for Solar  Classification (Tier) Indicator
 1  Date  
 2  Time  / Current Rate Tier  
 3  Total kWh-Delivered   Total
 4  On-Peak kWh-Delivered   TA
 5  On-Peak kW-Delivered   TA
 6  Super Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  TB
 7  Off-Peak kWh-Delivered   TC
 8  Off-Peak kW-Delivered   TC
 9  Total kWh-Received  Total
 10  On-Peak kWh-Received  TA
 11  Super Off-Peak kWh-Received  TB
 12  Off-Peak kWh-Received  TC
   Firmware Version**  
   LCD Test**  
   LAN Registration Information**  

Note: Delivered refers to electricity delivered from APS to the customer; Received refers to electricity received by APS from the customer.


  Elster A3 for Solar  Classification (Tier) Indicator
 1  Date  
 2  Time  
 3  Total kWh-Delivered   Total
 4  On-Peak kWh-Delivered  Rate A
 5  On-Peak kW-Delivered  Rate A
 6  Super Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  Rate B
 7  Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  Rate C
 8  Off-Peak kW-Delivered  Rate C
 9  Total kWh-Received  Total
 10  On-Peak kWh-Received  Rate A
 11  Super Off-Peak kWh-Received  Rate B
 12  Off-Peak kWh-Received  Rate C
   Firmware Version**  
   LCD Test**  
   LAN Registration Information**  

Note: Delivered refers to electricity delivered from APS to the customer; Received refers to electricity received by APS from the customer.



  L+G Focus for Solar  Classification (Tier) Indicator
 1  Present Date  
 2  Present Time / Current Rate Tier  
 3  Total kWh-Delivered  Total
 4  On-Peak kWh-Delivered  A
 5  On-Peak kW-Delivered  A
 6  Super Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  B
 7  Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  C
 8  Off-Peak kW-Delivered  C
 9  Total kWh-Received  Total
 10  On-Peak kWh-Received  A
 11  Super Off-Peak kWh-Received  B
 12  Off-Peak kWh-Received  B
   Off-Peak kWh-Received  C
   Service Disconnect State**  
   LCD Test**  

Note: Delivered refers to electricity delivered from APS to the customer; Received refers to electricity received by APS from the customer.


  L+G Focus for Solar  Classification (Tier) Indicator
 1  Present Date  
 2  Present Time / Current Rate Tier  
 3  Total kWh-Delivered  Total
 4  On-Peak kWh-Delivered  A
 5  On-Peak kW-Delivered  A
 6  Super Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  B
 7  Off-Peak kWh-Delivered  C
 8  Off-Peak kW-Delivered  C
 9  Total kWh-Received  Total
 10  On-Peak kWh-Received  A
 11  Super Off-Peak kWh-Received  B
 12  Off-Peak kWh-Received  C
   LCD Test**  

Note: Delivered refers to electricity delivered from APS to the customer; Received refers to electricity received by APS from the customer.
Closeup view of standard AMI a meter

While the majority of customers have a standard meter, a non-standard meter is available if you so choose. Non-standard meters require a utility worker to physically read the meter or must be specially configured, and there is a $50 upfront fee per meter exchange. If you currently have a non-standard meter and replace it with a standard meter, you will not be charged an exchange fee.

A monthly $5 fee will be applied to your bill if you have a non-standard meter. The fee will be waived, however, if you live in a remote location where wireless technology is not available or automated equipment cannot otherwise be used.

Residential customers with solar systems and business customers are not eligible for non-standard meters. If you have a non-standard meter, certain service plans and other programs are not available, and you will not have access to the additional detailed data regarding usage.

Display fields for Non-AMI meters vary distinctly by model and rate-plan combinations. If you have questions about your specific rate configuration, contact us anytime at (602) 371-7171.

The tables in the subtabs for each meter model below will give you information on the sequencing of display fields for the make and model of the meter at your service location. Learn more about the Classification (Tier) Indicator in the “Determining the current time-of-use classification (tier) being recorded on the meter” section above.

*Super off-peak only applies to certain rate plans and only during Nov.-Apr. billing cycles. (Off-peak kWh usage is calculated as super off-peak and off-peak combined when super off-peak does not apply.)
** Additional display fields may vary depending on meter make/model and do not apply to customer bills. These additional fields are meant to be used for field personnel only.


Meter read schedule
Find out when your meter will be read.
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