Payment Arrangement

If you need a little more time to pay your energy bill, we’re here to help you get back on track. Eligible customers can participate in our payment arrangement program to equally distribute outstanding balances due over a set period of time.
Make Your Arrangement
Payment Arrangement 101
A payment arrangement divides your past-due bill amount into equal payments over a set period of time, giving you more flexibility to pay your energy bill. You will be responsible for paying the payment arrangement amount each month, along with your current energy bill charges, by the due date.
Typically, customers with an outstanding energy bill balance of $75 or more can qualify to make a payment arrangement. However, the following may also impact your eligibility:
Questions? Call us at (602) 371-7607 or (800) 253-9409 for additional information about eligibility.
- You have broken a payment arrangement more than once in a 90-day period.
- You have broken three or more payment arrangements in a 12-month period.
- You are currently enrolled in Budget Billing.
- You are receiving your final APS bill.
- Your last APS bill payment did not go through due to insufficient funds in your bank account.
Questions? Call us at (602) 371-7607 or (800) 253-9409 for additional information about eligibility.
The greater your outstanding balance, the longer your payment arrangement can be. You can choose to distribute your balance over up to 12 monthly payments.
There is a minimum of $25 for each payment increment. For example, if you owe $100, your longest payment arrangement option would be four months at $25 each, plus your current energy charges. To be eligible for a 12-month payment arrangement, your past-due balance must exceed $300.
There is a minimum of $25 for each payment increment. For example, if you owe $100, your longest payment arrangement option would be four months at $25 each, plus your current energy charges. To be eligible for a 12-month payment arrangement, your past-due balance must exceed $300.
You can call us any time at (602) 371-7607 or (800) 253-9409 to adjust your arrangement, request an extension or pay the balance in full.
Your bill will vary slightly from those without a payment arrangement. Here’s a sample bill to give you an idea of what to expect.
If you are unable to pay the amount due – which includes your payment arrangement and your current charges for electricity – call (602) 371-7607 or (800) 253-9409. We will work with you to set up a new payment arrangement. If you have any broken payment arrangements in the past 12 months you may be required to make a down payment towards your past due balance prior to the payment arrangement being reset.
If you do not contact us and fail to make your payment, your payment arrangement will be considered broken. If you have a past due balance of $300 or more, your service may be disconnected.
If you do not contact us and fail to make your payment, your payment arrangement will be considered broken. If you have a past due balance of $300 or more, your service may be disconnected.

More Help with Bill Assistance Programs
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay their energy bill, we offer several assistance programs and resources to help our customers reduce monthly payments and pay off outstanding balances. Solutions range from short-term guest access and safety nets to long-term crisis and housing support.