
Grand Canyon at Sunrise

March 2025

Spring into savings

For spring savings, try these tips. You can find more ideas at aps.com/tips.

  • Regular maintenance keeps your AC running its best and can help prevent more expensive repairs. Now is a good time to have your AC serviced, so you’re ready for summer.
  • Dirty filters make your AC work harder, costing you money. We recommend changing your air filters monthly.
  • If you’re on one of our time-of-use plans, you can save money by doing laundry, running your dishwasher and pool pump, and charging your EV during lower-cost off-peak hours.
  • While you’re spring cleaning indoors and out, think about window coverings, such as shade trees that are native to the desert and require minimal water.

For a deeper dive into ways to save, schedule an on-site Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Checkup. A participating contractor will diagnose every room in your home, provide a customized report of money-saving recommendations and submit rebates for eligible upgrades. All for as low as $99. Find a qualified contractor today at apsqti.com.

Child playing with a vacuum

Maximize Your Plan

  • You’ll save with off-peak rates all day on Cesar Chavez Day, Monday, Mar. 31, if you’re on one of these plans:
  • Time-of-Use 4pm–7pm Weekdays
  • Time-of-Use 4pm–7pm Weekdays with Demand Charge
  • EV Overnight Charging 11pm–5am Weekdays
  • Saver Choice Plus

For a full list of off-peak holidays, visit aps.com/plans.

Reminder: Check your Monthly Plan Comparison. A lower energy bill starts with the right rate plan. You don’t have to guess which plan would have saved you the most money, just look for the Monthly Plan Comparison on your bill. To switch plans in time for summer, call us at (800) 253-9405 or visit aps.com/compareplans.

Community Grants sidebar

Community Corner:
West Valley Grants

Starting next month, APS will begin accepting grants for its annual West Valley Grants program to help nonprofits combat critical community issues and make a difference in the lives of Arizonans. For more than 20 years, APS has granted funds to nonprofits that support growth and community needs in the West Valley. Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status that serve in the areas of arts and culture, community development, education, environment or human services are eligible. The funds are available through Arizona Community Foundation and awarded to organizations providing services in Arlington, Buckeye, Glendale, Surprise, Tonopah, west Phoenix and surrounding areas. Applications are open from April 1 through April 30. For more information and to apply for an APS West Valley Grant, please visit azfoundation.org.*

*This program is funded by APS shareholders and not included in customer rates.

Calendar with a due date circled in red

Free programs to help you manage your energy bill

If you want to simplify your life and the ease of paying and managing your energy bill, consider combining the three programs below. You can enjoy a predictable monthly bill, paid automatically when it’s most convenient for you on the date you choose.

Budget Billing: Pay about the same each month for a more predictable bill. Sign up at aps.com/budgetbilling.

AutoPay: We will automatically withdraw your amount due using the payment method of your choice. Enroll today at aps.com/autopay.

Preferred Due Date: Choose a bill due date that works best for your schedule and budget. Choose your date at aps.com/duedate.


Extra support with Safety Net

With the Safety Net program, you can designate a friend or loved one to receive a copy of your energy bill so they can remind you when your payment is due. And get extra peace of mind with Guest Roles. You can assign someone a guest role on your online account to help you manage your energy bill. Learn more at aps.com/safetynet.

Yogurt parfait

March is National Nutrition Month

We understand you use energy to fuel your life. Here is an easy, no-cook recipe for a healthy parfait that keeps you from using energy from your cooktop. In a small cup, layer:

  • Yogurt of your choice
  • Handful of fruit of your choice
  • Top with nuts or seeds
  • Optional: drizzle with honey

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