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Your energy rate stays the same no matter the time of day or day of week. There are no time-of-use hours on this plan.
Why is this plan right for me:
Customers who select this plan have the flexibility to use energy any time of day or day of week, without worrying about the rate. This plan could be a good fit if:
You don’t use a lot of energy, or
You have a small to average sized home, or
You prefer not to worry about the time or day you use energy
Ways you could save money on this plan:
You can save money on this plan by decreasing your overall energy use every month or improving the energy efficiency of your home.
Switching to LED light bulbs can help reduce your energy usage and provide great lighting.
Setting your thermostat a few degrees higher in the summer and lower in the winter can help you save.
For additional cost-saving tips and tools, visit aps.com/tips.
Here’s how this plan works:
On this plan, your monthly energy charge is based on the total amount of energy used for the month, no matter the time of day or day of week it’s used.
- This plan has the same rates year-round based on your assigned usage tier.
- You are assigned to one of three usage tiers based on your average energy use throughout the year.
- Each year your usage will be automatically reviewed to determine if you are on the right tier. Check your monthly bill for updates about your average monthly usage and to track your progress. If you’re reassigned to a different tier, your first affected bill will be your January bill. You are eligible for a one-time waiver to maintain your current usage tier if you wish. Contact us >
Tier 1: 600 kWh or less average monthly energy use – 12.925¢/kWh
Tier 2: 601-999 kWh average monthly energy use – 14.052¢/kWh
Tier 3: 1,000 kWh or more average monthly energy use – 15.418¢/kWh
To find out your usage tier, log into your aps.com account or check your monthly bill.
The chart reflects the price you pay for energy used on this plan. All plans also include a basic service charge as well as adjustors, taxes and fees. The Grid Access Charge is applied for customers with rooftop solar.
Download Fixed Energy Charge Plan tariff sheet >
Download Fixed Energy Charge Plan tariff sheet >