

Your energy rate is based on the time of day; use less energy during on-peak hours, between 4pm-7pm weekdays, to save.

Why is this plan right for me:
Customers who select this plan can manage their costs by shifting energy use to lower-cost off-peak hours and using less energy during the higher-cost on-peak hours, between 4pm–7pm weekdays. This plan could be a good fit if:

  • green check mark filled circle
    You can use less energy during higher-cost on-peak hours, or
  • green check mark filled circle
    You have an average to larger sized home, or
  • green check mark filled circle
    You are willing to adjust when you use energy to save

Ways you could save money on this plan:
You can save money on this plan by shifting use of some major appliances like the washer & dryer, dishwasher and pool pump to lower-cost off-peak hours, and by using less energy during the higher-cost on-peak hours, between 4pm–7pm weekdays. Avoid using some major appliances during higher-cost hours.

  • Washer icon
    Do your laundry after 7pm weekdays or on weekends.
  • Pool icon
    If you have a pool, set the timer to run before 4pm weekdays.
  • Dishes icon
    Use the delay setting on your dishwasher to run after 7pm weekdays.
  • Do: Shift the use of some major appliances (like washer and dryer, dishwasher and pool pump) to lower-cost hours, before 4pm or after 7pm weekdays. The more you shift to off-peak hours, the more you can save.
  • Don’t: Use all of your major appliances during on-peak hours, between 4pm-7pm weekdays when energy rates are higher.

Here’s how this plan works:
On this plan, your monthly energy charge is based on the time of day and/or day of the week when you use energy. Rates are higher during on-peak hours, 4pm–7pm weekdays, but lower all other off-peak hours.

  • This plan has different rates for summer months (May–Oct bills) and winter months (Nov–Apr bills).
  • Super off-peak hours provide the lowest off-peak energy rates during winter months (Nov–Apr bills), 10am–3pm weekdays (excluding off-peak holidays).
  • This plan also has lower off-peak energy rates on weekends and holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Cesar Chavez Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the Friday before will be off-peak. If it falls on a Sunday, the Monday after will be off-peak. In years when Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve fall on a weekday, they will also be off-peak holidays. (Weekends are always off-peak.)

  • Summer Rates

    TOU Summer Rates
  • Winter Rates

    Winter TOU Rates
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