

It's easy to view the amount of energy you used during your on-peak and off-peak hours, and your demand if you're on a demand rate.

How do I view my usage details online?

1. Log in to your account on aps.com. If you do not have an account, it's easy to register.

2. Click the 'View Usage Details' link on the Usage Snapshot section of the Dashboard.

3. Alternatively, you can select 'Check usage' under 'Account' in the navigation.

4. The 'Current usage' tab shows usage from the date of your last bill. You can utilize the arrow buttons on either side of the graph or the calendar to view different dates. Your current highest demand value since your last bill is displayed at the top of the page, along with the date of that demand (when available). Additionally, you will see more usage details by hovering over the graph.
Graph pertaining to the usage description provided

5. In the legend along the bottom of the graph, you can use the check boxes to view specific types of usage (on-peak, off-peak, etc.).
Graph displaying how to use the usage legend check boxes.

6. If you select 'Month', the graph will change to show a day-by-day view of the entire month. Use the calendar to select other days.
7. You can download this information by clicking 'Download Usage' on the right side of your screen. If you choose 'Hourly usage data', the report will display your demand (kW) usage by hour for the last 12 months.
Graph image displaying dropdown behavior of Download Usage.

Under the 'Current usage' tab monthly view, you can download up to 18 months of data. The 'Last billed' tab monthly view can provide up to 2 years of daily usage, but each individual month will need to be downloaded.
Note: If you are unable to download your usage data, please make sure you have both a 'From' and 'Through' date selected on the calendar.
Calendar option

You can also view your usage details on the APS app:

1. After signing in, click on the 'Usage' tab in the navigation across the bottom of your screen.
2. For more detail, scroll down and select 'Your detailed energy usage information'.
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