
Changes have been made to APS time-of-use plans

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For customers on our Time-of-Use 4pm-7pm Weekdays plan or Time-of-Use 4pm-7pm Weekdays with Demand Charge plan, your on-peak hours are 4pm-7pm weekdays. (If you are on the frozen Saver Choice Plus plan, your on-peak hours remain 3pm-8pm weekdays.)

Important to know!

What these changes mean for you


The Arizona Corporation Commission voted to change the on-peak hours in our current residential time-of-use plan options from five hours to three hours to make it easier for customers to manage energy use during the on-peak period. Having two less hours during the on-peak period required changing the pricing to spread the costs to the remaining three on-peak hours and all of the off-peak hours.


No. Business rate plans will remain 3pm-8pm weekdays, and residential rate plans that are frozen (retired) plans will not have their on-peaks hours change. For example, the Saver Choice Plus rate plan is a frozen plan, which is no longer part of our updated rate plan options. Customers currently on this plan can stay on this plan and will keep the on-peak hours of 3pm-8pm weekdays. Otherwise, remaining customers with residential time-of-use plans will transition to the new on-peak hours of 4pm to 7pm weekdays.


Prices will change with the new on-peak hour, however, the impact on customer bills will vary based on usage. Many customers on the former 3pm-8pm on-peak hours reduced their usage during those on-peak hours. Customers will be able to do the same by using less energy during the new on-peak hours of 4pm-7pm weekdays. Customers on the Time-of-Use 4pm-7pm Weekdays with Demand Charge plan who use fewer major appliances all at once during 4pm-7pm and shift energy use to off-peak hours, especially during the winter’s super-off-peak hours, have the potential to save on 4pm-7pm as well.


Now that these changes have taken effect, you only need to manage your energy use three hours each weekday, from 4pm-7pm, to save during on-peak hours. For example, if you used to wait to dry your laundry until after 8pm weekdays, you could do that an hour earlier after 7pm. And if you are on our Time-of-Use 4pm-7pm with Demand Charge plan, you only need to stagger use of your major appliances for three hours each weekday, not five hours.


Learn more about your time-of-use plan
Check out how your plan works and how to save with shorter on-peak hours:

Time-of-Use 4pm-7pm Weekdays
Time-of-Use 4pm-7pm Weekdays with Demand Charge 


More tools coming soon
Resources to help you decide which plan is best for you

Eligible customers on current APS rate plans have access to information online and on monthly bills to compare rate plan options. These tools will help you determine whether you could have saved money on a different rate plan based on how and when you used energy. When the tools become available to you, you will receive a notice on your monthly bill.


We’re here to help
We want you to get the most out of your rate plan. You can compare your plan options and learn more about how to save on your plan at aps.com/plans or visit our rate plan FAQ page for more details. How you use energy can change over time, so we recommend checking your plan options. Remember, you can switch plans anytime. Plus, we are available 24/7 by phone at (855) 225-5277.
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